Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


by Rita Prochazka and Deborah Malone

Questions by Rita:

Sue, can you share some of your testimony with our readers?

I was raised in a semi-religious home, but our church did not teach about knowing God and having Jesus as a personal Savior. My dad was an alcoholic, and my mom was a survivor of several childhood tragedies. So, family life was full of drama. When I got into college, I left behind my religious upbringing and traded it for seeking truth in philosophy and psychology classes.

My search led me to a brief but mind-blowing experience with a cult called The Children of God. As a result of God’s grace, my seeking to really know Him, and the prayers of several people, I was rescued from getting totally carried away with their brainwashing. My boss then directed me to a Bible believing church where I joined the young adult group and gave my heart to Jesus. It was a glorious time getting to know Him, and I was all in! Withing three months I went on a two-month mission trip to British Columbia. I didn’t even have any underlining in my Bible yet! Within six months after I returned, I met my husband (to be), and God used me to lead him to Jesus. We have been married for over 51 years now.

In your walk with God, in this season of life, what have you learned that could be helpful to other women?

I’m learning that there is no such thing as retirement in the Bible or the Kingdom of God. He is with us through every stage of life, and He continues to teach me to trust Him and be flexible. He keeps on leading me to people who I can encourage because I’ve been there. I guess you might say I’ve become a Titus 2 woman in that regard. And there are plenty of younger women who need spiritual mothers more than ever before.

How have you prepared/been prepared for your ministry?

Through my journey of inner healing because of my own childhood traumas, God has shown me time and time again that He doesn’t waste anything if we are willing to let Him use it.

Questions by Deborah:

What advice would you give to other “seasoned” women on staying active in ministry?

Well, mostly, to just keep seeking Him and stay open and look for opportunities around you.

Sue, can you tell us a little about your ministry?

I taught Bible Studies for many years. Then I had a bad car accident and had to stop and take care of myself so I could heal. Afterward, I thought that I was probably finished with ministry. But as time went on God opened opportunities for me to do healing prayer times with people who were hurting. I am now back teaching Bible Studies (at age 73), and I love praying with those who God connects with me. Some of those opportunities I call “God winks.”

What challenges have you had to overcome in this time of your seasoned ministry?

I had been caring for my 90-year-old mother, and when she passed, I felt lost for a bit. But gradually I realized that God had been preparing me for a totally new season all along. I had been studying natural healing methods to help myself with some health concerns. And I was able to get a diploma as an Anti-Aging Practitioner. I have now launched my own health practice and get to combine my spiritual gifts of teaching and encouragement as I coach people on how they can take better care of their “temple.” I am blessed beyond measure. Every day is an adventure in seeing what God is up to in my life!

Sue this is Deborah. Thank you for joining us and sharing some of your testimony and life with us. I know it will be an encouragement to many. I am interested in the Anti-Aging regimen so I will be getting in touch with you.

Sue’s contact information:, Facebook: Sue Keegan Armstrong, Facebook Group: Healthy Living for Longevity


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