Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


by Rita Prochazka and Deborah Malone

Questions by Rita:

Kaci, can you share some of your testimony with our readers?

I was going to church before I was born. My mom was a faithful Christian and got all five of us kids ready to go twice on Sunday and then on Wednesday evening. I gave my heart to Jesus when I was five. My dad came to Christ Jesus when I was nine. When one of my brothers died of leukemia when I was 14, the rest of my brothers and I went off the rails, so to speak. I was the only one who stayed in church, but I was double-minded. It wasn’t until I was in college that I came to Christ and repented of my doublemindedness. Oh, that I would have repented earlier. Those are wretched, painful years of strife.

In your walk with God in this season of your life, what have you learned you’d like to share with our readers?

The longer I’ve lived in the Lord, the more I see His faithfulness and mercy. His plans for me are good. His way is always better, no matter what others might think or say.

How have you prepared/been prepared for your ministry?

My education in music has always been a preparation for part of what I do.

My husband and I have been through some tough seasons. I wondered then, “God, what good can come from this?” Later, I found it was just the thing I needed to empathize, help, and encourage someone else.

Questions from Deborah:

What would your advice be for other “seasoned” women on ways to stay active in ministry?

With love for the bride of Christ, my advice is don’t just be a pew warmer. This is really for all Jesus’ followers. God gives us all spiritual gifts to use. We should know what they are and use them for His glory and to encourage one another. Even as we age and feel like we can’t do what we used to anymore, God has plans for us. If all you can do is pray, then pray. By all means, do that. The Word says that the prayers of the righteous avails or benefits much. I don’t want to sound preachy, but perhaps you know the 80/20 state of most churches – 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I’ve burned myself out a few times being in that 20%. What a joy it would be if we all pitched in, and we could work and encourage those around us as our Savior would have it. I pray this prompts the Holy Spirit in you to find your gift and use it for His glory.

Kaci, can you tell our readers a little about your ministry?

My husband and I are on the prayer team. We receive prayer requests through the church’s prayer chain, and we pray for people at church or whenever there is a need. People know they can call on us.

Women’s Ministry is part of what I do. We plan fun and memorable events for our church ladies and for partnering ministries in our city throughout the year.

Leading others in worship is a blessing that gives me immense joy, so I’m on the praise team. I also give concerts for the 55+ group in our church. Most recently, I gave a Valentine’s Day concert of original songs and poetry. The last half of the concert encouraged them with songs about God’s love for us and our love for Him.

As a poet, I write throughout the year on our pastor’s messages, on our church’s word for the year, and as answers to Women’s Bible Study questions. Two of the poetry eBooks I released last year were given to the church for encouragement as part of my ministry. I wrote a Haiku Cascade poem just for you, based on the website.

by Kaci Rigney ( copyright 2024)

bloom where you are, friend
bloom in your winter season
and thrive where hope blooms

bloom where you are, friend
encourage others; blossom
love and hope in Christ

sprinkle seeds of faith
bloom in your winter season
plant, water, and nourish

root and grow in Christ
who has planted you here, friend
and thrive where hope blooms

Kaci, Deborah here, thank you so much for this beautiful poem. It literally brought tears to my eyes! It encouraged me and I know it will encourage our readers as well!

What challenges have you had to overcome in this time of your “seasoned” ministry?

I’m sixty on February 2024. This may not seem old to some, but physical challenges have caused me to slow down. I used to work with children. I can’t anymore because of pain due to myalgia and joint issues with my shoulders and hips. Although, I have been dealing with these issues for many years, they have been magnified over the past ten years. There are things I can’t do anymore, but God is faithful and gives me new ways in which I can be a blessing.

BIO: Kaci Rigney is a native Californian and is wife to Kevin, proud mom of grown girls Katie and Kolleen, and grandmother to six cuddly grandchildren. She has a degree in music with an emphasis on voice and has been in too many choirs to count, including the Eugene Opera Chorus. Kaci is a songwriter, author, painter, photographer, and poet. Her work has appeared in two anthologies and in several e-zines. Kaci has nine poetry eBooks available on her website, A Love Trio: Chasing Love, Finding Love and Losing Love, and several in her Like That series. You can find out more about Kaci at


  1. Kaci: We are thrilled to have you as our guest. Thank you! May Our Lord continue to abundantly bless your ministry.


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