Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


I'm learning that there is no such thing as retirement in the Bible or the Kingdom of God. He is with us through every stage of life, and He continues to teach me to trust Him and be flexible

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


By Rita Prochazka and Deborah Malone Questions by Rita: Becky, would you share some of your testimony with our readers? I grew up in a Christian home. Although, I had wonderful Christian parents, legalism was a common theme. That led to me feeling like a failure and not feeling like I could ever live up… Continue reading INTERVIEW WITH BECKY GILMORE

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


by Deborah Malone and Rita Prochazka Hi this is Debbie. I am so excited to have Stephanie with us today. I wish we could learn so much more of each of our interviewees than just what we talk about in our interview. This interviews really encompass a lifetime of living, growing and serving the Lord.… Continue reading INTERVIEW WITH STEPHANIE RODDA

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


He gives, and He takes away. Nothing belongs to us; we forget this so often. He is in control of our story, and our lives belong to Him. Love like you have no tomorrow, give as you never have without expecting something in return, and find joy in every bit of your life.

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


In this season of my life, I have learned of God's faithfulness, and I seek to bring Him honor and glory in everything we do. I have seen first-hand how God provides as we have fed far more children than the food we provided should have fed. I have seen Him not only bring HOPE to those suffering in extreme poverty, I have seen Him be HOPE.

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


by Deborah Malone and Rita Prochazka Questions by Rita: Welcome, Linda, can you share some of your testimony with our readers? "This is from an article I wrote about our family miracle and testimony." "Heart of Our Hearts" "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God stands forever." Isa. 40:8 Some believe… Continue reading INTERVIEW WITH lINDA KOZAR

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


Most churches have many volunteer activities for those looking for something less demanding than teaching Sunday school or heading up a committee. There are volunteer positions such as greeters, meal preparation for the ill, writing cards and notes to the sick, flower arrangements and more. If it isn't possible to participate in church activities, we can apply the verse and parable in Luke 10:29, to everyone we come in contact with.

Bloom in Your Winter Season, Misc


Kathi Macias is an award-winning author of more than 50 books, including the 2011 Golden Scrolls Novel of the Year, Red Ink. A popular speaker at writers' conferences and women's events, Kathi lives in Southern California with her husband, Al.